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Hot pepper (piment oiseau) - 15g

Hot pepper - Piment Oiseau

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Epicerie Fine SUR LES QUAIS Paris

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Epicerie Fine

Hot pepper (piment oiseau) - 15g

Hot pepper - Piment Oiseau

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Livraison offerteNext day or 72 hour delivery
Echantillons offerts2 free samples** with your order

The "piment oiseau" hot pepper, sometimes also called pepper martin, is a variety from the Mascarene Islands. It stands between 30 000 and 60 000 on the Scoville scale. This scale, created in the early twentieth century, aims to measure the intensity of spiciness of peppers by assessing the level of capsaicin, responsible for the sensation of heat. This chilli is at a level similar to cayenne pepper, so it is a strong pepper, to be used with caution.

Be careful when using chili, it is important to wash your hands after and to not touch your eyes!


Ingredients : Whole bird pepper
Weight : 15g
Origin : Malawi

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